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The Magic of Thinking Big

The Magic of Thinking Big
-13 %
Author :  David J. Schwartz  
Language : English  
Binding : Paperback (384 pages) 
Publisher :  Penguin Publication
Genre :  self help books
ISBN :  9781785040474, 1785040472
Edition : (2016)
More :- This book is filled with lessons that exemplify how a small shift in thinking can determine the success of an ordinary person in life. The author follows a step-by-step approach in conquering self-diffidence, ensuring that only positive thoughts flow in your mind, preparing a solid success-building programme, doing more in a creatively enhanced manner, and capitalising on the power of NOW. Overall, it is the ultimate go-to guide for leading a better life. Buy The Magic of Thinking Big online and learn the techniques of living your life to the fullest in an optimistic way.

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The Magic of Thinking Big

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