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Strangers of the Mist

Strangers of the Mist
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Author :  Sanjoy Hazarika  
Language : English  
Binding : Paperback (387 pages) 
Publisher :  Penguin Book Publication
Genre :  Fiction Books
ISBN :  9780140240528, 0140240527
Edition :  1st Edition (2000)
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Summary Of The Book

Strangers Of The Mist: Tales Of War & Peace From India’s Northeast is Hazarika’s attempt to bring awareness to a number of sensitive issues faced by Indians living in the North Eastern parts of the country. According to the author, the people and problems of that region are often overlooked and ignored.

In this eye-opening memoir, the author presents several enlightening facts, which are virtually unknown to most citizens of this nation. For instance, Hazarika systematically presents the developments that occurred in Assam and neighbouring parts, from post Independence up to the present day.

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