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Man's Search For Meaning

Man's Search For Meaning
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Author :  Viktor E Frankl  
Language : English  
Binding : Paperback (160 pages) 
Publisher :  RHUK
Genre :  Self Help Books
ISBN :  9781846041242, 1846041244
Edition :  1st Edition (2008)
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Man’s Search For Meaning, written by Viktor E. Frankl, is a gripping personal account, chronicling the struggle to survive at a Nazi concentration camp, which helped the author develop his psychotherapeutic method and logotherapy.

Summary Of The Book

On the surface, Frankl’s Man’s Search For Meaning is a memoir about surviving the Holocaust. On a philosophical level however, the author uses his experiences to identify psychological reactions to the terrors of a concentration camp, which were experienced by his fellow inmates. These experiences helped Frankl develop his psychotherapeutic methods, which would later help him become an important figure in the existential therapy arena.

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